Write With Us
Writing Group: A Weekly Practice
My formal workshops follow the footprint of the weekly writing groups I began in Summer of 2022. Every Thursday evening, a small group of writers in my extended community meet online to read the work of new authors, experiment with new prompts, and share sections of our work. I prepare a Shared Google Doc with excerpts from contemporary literary works and offer multiple prompts that invite us to engage an element of the author's craft, thematically, structurally, or both! We go through 2-3 of these reading & writing circuits, then save time to discuss what we noticed, and encourage each other's bravery on the page. When more serious feedback calls, we schedule formal critiques, wherein members can receive focused feedback on a work-in-progress. Ultimately, my goal is to expose you to exciting texts "in the wild," get you writing in ways that both clarify and expand what you believe is possible on the page, and build community. I hope this becomes a space where you connect with yourself deeply, and thereby make meaningful connections with others. Let this group be a refuge, an anchor, a fun time. I hope you join us! :)
Ready to book your first writing-group? CLICK HERE TO JOIN!